Talking Points
March 2025

2016’s Most Engaging Brand Content

2015 brought with it a notable increase in YouTube brand videos. Then, in 2016, brands took video storytelling to a new level on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. What we learned is that customers will watch longer videos if the stories are authentic.

Social media analytics company, Unmetric, tracked and measured social video campaigns throughout 2016 and recently published the results. What follows are the videos that garnered the greatest viewer engagement.

1. “#TractionTuesday,” Audi. The popular car company posted this video on Instagram. Audi banked on the fact that people love to share their cars, their winter weather experiences, and how they can have fun with both.



2. “Girl Emojis,” Always. For this “Like a Girl” YouTube video, Always asked girls how they feel about today’s emojis. What they discovered is girls often see female emojis as limiting and stereotypical.

3. “What Are You Going To Make?,” Microsoft. This YouTube video struck a chord on International Women’s Day because, when a group of science-loving girls are asked to name some inventors, they all name men.

4. “FlyBabies,” Jet Blue. Here’s an example of how money changes everything. In this YouTube video, JetBlue convinces passengers to love crying babies by giving them a 25% discount each time an infant started bawling.

5. “The Switch,” Nike. This epic YouTube video uses a long-form, comedic imagining of what would happen if Cristiano Ronaldo accidentally crashed into a young Brit and they switch places until he became a soccer superstar.

6. “The Anthem,” Samsung. Samsung’s Olympic YouTube video promoted the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, but it also focused on bringing people together during an undeniably scary time at one of the world’s biggest events.

7. “A Priest And Imam Meet For A Cup Of Tea,” Amazon Prime. In this beautifully poignant holiday YouTube video,  Amazon promoted tolerance at the time when America needed it most.

8. “The Mannequin Challenge…With A Twist,” Dove. This YouTube video was the latest installment of Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign. It provided a creative take on the Mannequin Challenge while making a valuable statement as well.

Based on The Most Engaging Brand Content of 2016, Month by Month by Erik Wander.

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