Talking Points

Advice on how to connect with 4 generations of customers

New Development

Over the past decade, advertisers have adapted to the boom of technology and the introduction of various new marketing channels and tactics, to market to different generations of shoppers.

But from a marketer’s perspective, effectively communicating with Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X and Baby Boomer shoppers has never been more challenging since each generation’s buying habits vary significantly.

Recently, Data Axle surveyed consumers of all ages to find out which tactics and channels resonate with each generation. Their results can help you streamline your advertising efforts and tailor your strategy to your target audience.

Highlights of this survey report include:

96% of consumers of all generations feel loyal to a brand, and 84% engage with brands they are loyal to

Customers are ready to hear what you have to say – but they want it to be personalized and relevant to their needs and lifestyles.

Email is the No. 1 channel for all generations except Gen Z, which prefers social media

Taking an omnichannel approach to marketing is wise, but you also need to take the demographics of your target audience into account.

81% of all consumers want to receive personalized communications from brands they buy from

The number one category that consumers want personalization from is Food & Beverage. Keeping customers engaged will lead to a higher consumer Life-Time Value (LTV) and cultivate brand loyalty.

Email connects with all generations, social media is best for younger generations, television reaches older generations

Choose the optimal medium of communication for your target audience in order to have the greatest chance of impact and engagement

Based on From Gen Z to boomers, how to connect varies channel to channel | Sponsored Content by Daniel Caridi.

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