Talking Points
February 2025

Finding Success with Olympics Marketing

It’s hard not to get excited when the Summer Olympics roll around every four years. Trending Topics reveals how businesses can leverage the global excitement when the Games take place in Paris.

Sustainability Trends Taking a High Profile in 2023

Sustainability is on every board’s agenda. So, our first article taps the International Institute for Management Development’s perspective on how sustainability is driving business.

Deloitte Reports on 2023 Global Marketing Trends

Uncertainty is on everyone’s mind these days. Our article reveals the things many marketers are doing to improve their prospects in Deloitte’s 2023 Global Marketing Trends report.

Forrester’s Take on Marketing Sustainability

Our Trending Topics article looks at the sustainability movement and the role that marketers can play in it. We spotlight the most relevant findings from Forrester’s new report.

The Best Presenters Tell Stories

Our Trending Topics feature is the perfect place to begin. We highlight the difference between presenting a deck full of slides and telling a story that will make your audience sit up and take notice. This article has helpful advice for all of us.

Six Things You Should Know about Post-Pandemic Events

This month’s issue begins with our Trending Topics feature. We explore the return to live events, and how we should prepare now that the pandemic is easing, and eventgoers are eager for more face time.

2022’s Hot B2B Marketing Trends

Trending Topics kicks off with four trends in B2B marketing that are emerging in a post-cookie environment. More brands need new approaches to collecting and analyzing data, and reaching targeted audiences, and these trends can help you build brand loyalty and acquire new customers.

Marketing in the Year 2022

Trending Topics

Trending Topics kicks off this month’s issue with some marketing trends that could help define your own success in 2022. Chief among them is how you can better engage your customers through storytelling.

Customers digitally fatigued? Here’s what you need to do.

Our Trending Topic has been on everyone’s mind, for better or worse (mostly worse), over the past year, and that’s digital fatigue. Stuck at home due to the pandemic, many consumers have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of digital events they’ve been invited to, and they’ve been feeling the effects. This article shows what marketers need to do to be more focused in their offerings and reach customers more effectively.

We’re All Familiar with Virtual Presentations – Here are a few Reminders to Ace Your Next One

Trending Topic

This Trending Topic has been on everyone’s radar for over a year now, and that’s knowing how to present virtually with success. So, we offer several helpful ways to keep your audience engaged and involved.