Ignite Your Creativity With B2B Experiential Marketing

You can hire magicians, set up spinning prize wheels, or throw out T-shirts at trade shows. But with today’s technology and social media platforms, event participation hasn’t just taken on a new dimension. It has its own name—experiential marketing.
Marketers now leverage the “free media” that accompanies the actual experience. And that doesn’t just mean greater participation. You can create events that explode across the digital landscape, with interactive mobile meeting apps, YouTube videos, hashtags, Instagram posts, Facebook feeds, selfie backdrops and more.
There’s no denying it. Experiential marketing is now a serious component for many marketing programs. There are several annual conferences dedicated to experiential marketing. And companies are now hiring experiential marketing managers.
So, how exactly do you make experiential marketing work in a B2B environment? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Understand your audience. Know your industry and how your customers are likely to react.
- Do more than entertain. Don’t simply create fun games. Use them to educate customers about your product.
- Be creative. You don’t want your efforts to fail because they are boring or unoriginal. Create multi-dimensional experiences.
- Generate a “buzz.” Engage people through multiple platforms. Take advantage of every online tool in your industry.
- Build a crowd. Make your interactive experience so compelling, your audience will watch, participate, and share.
- Maintain the momentum. Respond to online feedback. You’ll get clients talking in ways you never expected.
You can develop cost-effective experiences that excite customers and make your brand memorable. See examples here: