Talking Points
February 2025

Viral emails from your favorite Deadpool Star

Ryan Reynolds is a riot! When he’s not acting, he serves as part owner of Aviation Gin. And his rip-roaring out-of-office emails in that capacity provide the perfect Parting Shot for this issue of Talking Points.

Reynolds uses his out-of-office replies as an effective way to market Aviation Gin (news of them required 20,000 responses in just a single day), and you have got to read them. The email topics cover his vital role as gin model, his nonexistent relationship with his dad, his summer cocktail recipe, and his visit to the Tonight Show. Check out his smart, snarky, side-splitting emails below. Then keep them in mind the next time you write an out-of-office reply.

February 2018:

From: Ryan Reynolds <>

Thank you for your email and interest in Aviation American Gin! I’m away from my desk at the moment but will respond the moment they give me a desk.

About a year ago, I tried Aviation for the first time. Since that day, I’ve spent my time finding some way to infiltrate the company. I did this for one simple reason: It’s the best damn gin on the planet. Period.

My responsibilities here at the company are vast. I’ll spend my days being photographed intermittently clinching my jaw muscles while pointing at things and nodding. I’ll drink Aviation Gin. I’ll sit in board meetings, imagining my very own Red Wedding.

I don’t know whose idea it was to allow me into the gin business, but I can assure you, there are smarter, more reasonable people in charge.

Thank you again for your email… If the matter is urgent, please contact my secretary, Bruce, who’ll respond the moment I get a secretary named, Bruce.


The Aviation and Tonic recipe in Ryan’s email seemed like the perfect introduction to Aviation Gin, so of course we had to try. Our taste test was a total success – even if BevMo was all out of Green Lantern Tears.

Aviation Gin and Tonic
Aviation Gin and Tonic

Based on Ryan Reynolds’ Snarky Out-of-Office Emails Are So Popular, They Melted His Gin Brand’s Servers by David Griner.

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